

Hi! Let me introduce myself, my name is Angel, a photographer in Boise, Idaho, and I have worn a few hats in my lifetime up to this point. First and foremost, I am a mom of two beautiful little boys that are growing way to fast. I am a wife to my amazing, supportive, and hardworking husband, Dan, and a stepmom to his good-looking and musically driven son who is now 25. I am the oldest sibling of 3. I am an aunt of all nieces and through some friends I call family I am blessed to have a few nephews too. I am a retired Air Traffic Controller after 22 years. I am a veteran of the U.S. Navy. And now I am an entrepreneur, a boutique portrait photographer. What is a boutique portrait photographer you ask, hang in there and I will explain. First let me tell you a little more about who I am and where I come from.

I am an Oregonian through and through. I was bitten by the travel bug at a very young age when my dad was stationed in Germany while serving in the Army. My family spent two years in München, Germany. We then moved to Oklahoma where I developed my fear of tornadoes.

My dad got out of the military, and we moved back to Eugene, Oregon where I grew up with family. I was able to see both sets of my grandparents regularly being in the same town. Every summer I would see my cousins. I fell in love with the abundant nature Oregon had to offer, and especially the dramatic and always flowing Oregon coast. This is home.

Angel Treto

My time and experience in
The Navy

After I graduated high school, I joined the U.S. Navy. Talk about a culture shock. Although I had lived in Germany and Oklahoma, I was always protected and with family. Now I was 18 and I was the only person I knew. A whole world of new experiences opened up and I met new friends. My first duty station was Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. That moment of standing in the control tower was never on my radar but there I was. At 18 years old I was an Air Traffic Controller telling pilots “Cleared for takeoff” and “cleared to land.” I never would have imagined myself doing that job. The best opportunity possible all while serving my country.

I got out for a short stent and then I re-enlisted and was stationed in Virginia Beach at FACSFACS VACAPES. Approaching my 10-year mark in the Navy, I had to decide if I was going to stay and do my full 20 or get out and work on other goals. I got out. I moved back to Oregon. I was then hired by the Federal Aviation Administration, and I moved to the high desert of Prescott, Arizona where I continued my Air Traffic Control career.

I met my husband in Prescott Arizona although we didn’t get married until 7 years later. I made another move to beautiful and breathtaking Alaska while he stayed in Arizona to co-parent his young teenage son.

After 3 years in Alaska, I moved back to Arizona, and married my husband. My husband’s son graduated high school and went to CRAS, an audio engineering and music production school. When getting pregnant wasn’t an option, my husband and I became foster parents, I then retired from the FAA and in 2020 before the world shut down, we adopted our two precious little boys. In January of this year, we then moved to Idaho for my husband’s new job. And here we are.

Life with
My family

I have been bungy jumping and skydiving. I have flown to Cuba for a day because I had nothing better to do. I have drove countless miles through Canada and Alaska, and from the east coast to the west coast and back again. When I visited my brother in Germany, we drove to Prague, Czech for the sole purpose of seeing the Astronomical Clock. I enjoy seeing new things. As I get older my risky adventures have decreased and maybe that is because I am a mom now or it takes longer to heal…maybe both. Now I enjoy taking our boys on little adventures and showing them everything my husband and I can.

Where does photography fit into all of this? I think I had my first camera when I was about 10. It was something like a Vivitar 110 film with the option of the cool glass like cubes for a flash. My next camera came with film discs and then 35 mm film. I never got into a dark room and developed my own images though I wish I had. I think my first digital point and shoot was when I was in the military. I still didn’t understand anything about photography I just liked capturing memories of family, friends, and my travels. I think about the times being anxious and excited waiting for my film to be developed by the store and sitting in the car with the dome light on, going through the photographs leaving fingerprints on all the pictures. Then going home and placing each one in a shoe box or upgrading to a photo album. I still look at those pictures creating a flood of memories and emotions. One of my favorite past times is looking at old photographs. I am lucky enough to have some old photographs of my great grandparents. I even have a photograph of my great grandmother in 1918 with her first born of 12 children that sits on our mantel.

Did I mention family means the world to me, including some of my closest friends whom I consider family? I am passionate about photographing my family to pass on memories and stories to my children, their children, and grandchildren too. This is my profession and I get to do that for other families. Photographing people makes me happy. I am capturing moments that will evoke emotions decades later.

We all have our own stories of how our family came to be. Whether you have a traditional family or a blended one like I do, two dads or two moms, single parent, fur babies, foster or adopted, young parents or parents that started later in life, your family matters because it is your family.

What is a boutique photographer? I am your boutique photographer. Quite simply it is being able to provide a service to my client that is more than just a product being purchased. It is about building a relationship, making connections, and creating an experience for each client. I want to get to know my clients from our first consultation to creating and delivering beautiful heirloom wall art specific for their home to be passed down to the next generation.


Celebrate your beautiful family in this moment and years to come

Let’s create something beautiful